"Sunny and The Blues" is a rather special show that will bring some real emotion and meaning to the Humanity Beat audience as we will be graced with the presence of Grammy Award winning artist, Shawn Colvin. In her bio, we learn this: "The frankness in Colvin’s work has always been tempered by humor and sensuality and a gift for finding strong, simple melodies. She’s not one to directly take on social or political issues in her lyrics, but she’s bracingly honest about her own travails (and triumphs) and that resonates with her listeners. As she explains, “This is how I write".
We'll talk about her new album, "All Fall Down". Colvin will talk about her NEW book, "Diamond In The Rough". Sunny Came Home, and Round of Blues will be only two of her hit songs that we touch on as Humanity Beat talks with Shawn about what means the most to an active, working artist.
"Teaching In The Trenches": Humanity Beat will take you deep inside the Chicago Teacher's Strike to tell the stories of inner-city teachers, and what they deal with everyday in their teaching careers that brought the need for a strike. Humanity Beat has an inside track that the main stream media refuses to talk about!
Humanity Beat, documenting the life that matters!
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